Moved to America in pursuit of the American Dream - found it in Clover!

Member of School Improvement Council

Member of Parent Advisory Board

Member of Parent Teacher Association

Strong, Independent Thinker with Conservative Values

My name is Nataly Burgio, and I’m running for the Clover School Board because I’m passionate about ensuring our schools remain places of true learning and growth. I was born in the USSR and raised in Ukraine, where I experienced firsthand the impact of educational indoctrination. This experience fueled my deep commitment to creating an educational environment where freedom and critical thinking are prioritized.

I came to the United States in pursuit of the American dream, and after finding success in New York, I moved to South Carolina. I wanted my family, especially my son, to grow up in a community that shares our values, and I found that in Clover. Here, I’ve become deeply involved in the local education system. As a member of the School Improvement Council (SIC), the Parent Advisory Board, and the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), I’ve had the opportunity to actively contribute to our schools. I also lead the Care Committee at my child’s school, ensuring the well-being of students and the broader school community.

My dedication to education runs deep. Growing up, I watched my grandmother, a dedicated schoolteacher, spend countless hours reviewing homework and helping her students succeed. Her commitment inspired me to support educators and ensure that every child receives the best education possible.

If elected to the Clover School Board, I will be a strong, independent voice for students, parents, teachers, and our entire community. Since I wasn’t born and raised in Clover, I bring a fresh perspective, which allows me to represent everyone equally and fairly. I’m not here to change Clover; I’m here to protect and preserve the uniqueness and authenticity that make it special. I believe in keeping our small-town values untouched.

One of my top priorities is promoting transparency and improving communication between the school district and parents. I also believe that the safety and security of our children must always come first, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that our schools are safe environments where students can thrive.

I’m running for the Clover School Board to be a voice for our community, to preserve what makes Clover special, and to ensure that our schools remain places where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

Your Support Matters: Nataly counts on the generosity of people like you to keep her campaign strong.

Enhancing the Educational Experience

As a school board member, my priority will be to ensure our students receive a classical, well-rounded curriculum that upholds high academic standards.

This approach will prepare our students not just for immediate success, but for lifelong achievement. It’s essential that our educational programs equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly complex world.

Additionally, we must attract and retain top-quality educators who understand and appreciate Clover’s values and traditions.

By prioritizing the hiring of local teachers and supporting them, we can maintain the strong educational foundation that Clover is known for.

Promoting Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and effective communication are crucial for a thriving school district. I am committed to keeping all stakeholders—parents, teachers, and community members—informed and involved in decision-making processes. 

Open communication fosters trust and collaboration, which are vital for our schools' success. 

In addition, I’m committed to fiscal responsibility.  With the recent tax increases to build new schools, it’s more important than ever to manage our finances effectively.

We must ensure that every dollar is spent wisely, prioritizing the safety, education, and well-being of our students while respecting the economic realities of our community. 

Ensuring Safety and Fostering a Supportive Environment

The safety and security of our students and faculty are non-negotiable. 

Every student deserves to learn in an environment that is safe and respectful, where bullying is addressed head-on rather than swept under the rug.

I will advocate for policies that foster respect and reduce bullying, ensuring that our schools are places where every child feels secure and supported.  

Furthermore, I believe that our policies should be regularly reviewed, updated, and enforced to reflect the current needs of our students and faculty.

A proactive approach, rather than a reactive one, will help us address issues before they escalate, ensuring that discipline and responsibility are upheld at all levels.

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